The PALI Experience

Thriving during your PALI program


The experience.

Whether you choose an online program or not, you will be interacting heavily with your fellow executives. The program is short, intense, focused and rewarding. After sessions, conversations will continue in smaller informal groups. The atmosphere is genial; we share our learnings to bring out the best in each other. In the end, you’ll get as much as you put in.


Networking & mentoring.

We offer events, conferences, virtual and in person meetings to facilitate networking among the diverse range of experiences, industries, and backgrounds represented so that you leave with a thriving network of new friends.


Career development.

For those looking to accelerate or change their careers, we provide a rich exposure to your peers and the PALI alumni as you explore. They are available as mentors, industry experts, and career guides to help you successfully navigate new directions.


Time management.

Executive education is hard. You are managing a demanding job, a family, social engagements and an intense program. Part of the skills of success is time management. We help you manage the course load while spending quality time building relationships with your peers.

Chinua Achebe.png

One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised.

Chinua Achebe